LL(1) Parser


  1. The simulator is as shown in figure 3.1.

    input grammar

    Figure 3.1: Figure shows the simulator where user have to enter the Grammar.

  2. Write each production rule in a separate line.

  3. Separate each token using whitespace

  4. $ is reserved as the end-of-input symbol, and S is reserved as an artificial start symbol. The grammar is automatically augmented with the rule S -> start $

  5. Use '' for ε

  6. Click Generate Parse Table button to See Results

  7. To analyse Predictive Parsing of a string enter the string in the box as shown below in figure 3.2 and click on Parse button.

    input parsing string

    Figure 3.2: Figure shows the simulator where user have to enter an string to analyse the Predictive parsing of it.

  8. The parsing of the input string will be done step-by step so Constantly Press Step Forward button to see the remaining steps.

  9. Use Examples button to view valid and invalid string examples for ETF Grammar.

  10. Use Reset button to reparse the string.